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Tanzurine Quartz

I recently had the opportunity to meet with Jonathan Bartky of Ariel Treasures LLC. He launched a new warehouse in New Jersey and was in Boston so decided to visit my new shop! 

He brought with him some really gorgeous pieces from his last trip to East Africa and of course, Tanzurine.

Tanzurine Pair, one red and one green

What is Tanzurine?

Tanzurine is a recently discovered stone consisting of one of the most pure Quartz and either Lepidolite (cherry) or Fuchsite (emerald). Because of the purity of the Quartz, the included minerals are able to fill these stones with vibrant color as if it were water. The deep reds and vibrant greens of Tangerine Quartz are totally natural and create a truly unique stone. 

Where does Tanzurine Come From?

Jonathan Bartky was the first to uncover Tanzurine and really put amazing work into making sure the world knew about this unusual and beautiful stone. He was featured in Rock & Gem Magazine for this awesome find and has consulted with many locals and healers to build a better understanding of this new stone.

From his Blog:   

“Even in Tanzania, in the heart of the gem district, no one knew what this stone was ! It was found on Massai tribal land deep in the bush in Northern Tanzania. I love quartz, but, I never had seen a 100% natural and Untreated Cherry Quartz. It was not known to exist. But, here it is ! A Natural and Untreated Cherry Quartz that has beautiful color and Sparkle too !” - Jonathan Bartky

As far as being a reputable source for minerals, 
Bartky is the real deal. He and his team work with local mining villages and families in East Africa, specifically Tanzania, to uncover the gorgeous rarities that are native to this land. He has some crazy stories about heading out to ‘the bush’ - no roads, no lights.. just giraffe. 

As you know, much of East Africa, including Tanzania, is turbulent and many are not willing to work there. But luckily there are still reputable persons in the industry willing to seek out legitimate sources working directly with the communities that rely on mining.

Cherry Tanzurine - the real Cherry Quartz

Cherry Tanzurine specimen with dark red color

Sadly, the stone termed ‘cherry quartz’ is a manmade stone. However, Tanzurine, may be the answer for those seeking its healing properties and rare beauty.   

Cherry Tanzurine Quartz contains Lepidolite, technically making it a Lithium Quartz. We call Quartz containing Lepidolite Lithium Quartz because Lepidolite contains 5% Lithium. Its high Lithium content contributes greatly to Lepidolite's healing power in the physical and metaphysical sense. 

About Lepidolite

In modern medicine, certain psychiatric illnesses are treated with Lithium. Interestingly, the use of Lepidolite for psychiatric purposes dates back 1,800 years to the Greek physician Galen. He also treated those suffering from 'mania' by having them bathe in springs and drink water that was rich in the mineral Lepidolite, and therefore Lithium. It wasn't until the early 1900s that we rediscovered the usefulness of the Lithium found in Lepidolite.

Lepidolite's practical application matches it's metaphysical attributes; Lepidolite is thought to have a calming, mood-stabilizing effect. It brings comfort, acceptance and can quell unnecessary worries. A wonderful stone to work into a bedtime routine or keep with you during stressful situations.  Lepidolite is considered one of the best stones for fighting anxiety and is even thought to help animals and pets with stress.

Quartz as an Amplifier

Quartz is often credited with the ability to amplify the properties of other crystals or to ‘charge’ them. When we have a Rutilated or Tourmalated Quartz, it is thought that the Quartz acts as a magnifier for the vibrations of the other crystals, strengthening their energies and making them more accessible.

Tanzurine is the perfect example of Quartz’s ability to act as an amplifier. You can really see how the Quartz brings to life the colors of Lepidolite and Fuchsite. In Tanzurine, Quartz is the conduit for these minerals, showcasing their colorful complexity in a way that we haven’t seen before.

Emerald Tanzurine Quartz

Emerald Tanzurine Stone in Sunlight, Fuchsite Inclusions

In Emerald Tanzurine Quartz, the green color is caused by Fuchsite. Fuchsite is normally seen as a pale green in Ruby Fuchsite or Green Aventurine. In Emerald Tanzurine it ranges from a bright leafy green to a rich Emerald color. Under a microscope, you can see the countless tiny crystals of Fuchsite suspended within the stone. Fuchsite is a form of Muscovite, colored green by Chromium. Chromium is what gives Fuchsite its green color and Rubies their red color.

Fuchsite has been termed ‘the Fairy stone’ and is thought to be a stone of miracles and blessings. It is deeply connected to the Earth’s energies and in harmony with the song of Nature’s spirit. A stone of endless possibilities, Fuchsite asks us to reach beyond what we know and take leaps of faith, reassuring us that we will find support throughout our journey.

Fuchsite is one of the most beloved stones for the Heart Chakra, our center and connection the rhythm of nature. Chromium, in both Fuchsite and Ruby, is among the most influential healing stones for having a strong tie to our emotional energy. A stone of happiness and optimism, Fuchsite’s green color is a trigger for feeling surrounded by life, growth and endless potential. It refreshes the spirit and helps us to have patience in healing, just as nature always finds a way to restore its balance. 

TO BE CONTINUED! Thank you to Jonathan Bartky for bringing these beautiful stones to light and stay tuned for further updates.

See all available Tanzurine Specimens Here.